In 2019, the amount of money spent to complete prior authorizations amounted to a staggering $528 million dollars in administrative costs. A survey completed by found that Physicians complete an average of 41 prior authorizations each week. This equates to an average of two whole business days spent on processing, alone. What’s more, 88% of those who completed the survey, reported that prior authorizations generated a high or extremely high burden for providers & Staff.
With the ever changing labor force, it is becoming more difficult to keep offices staffed to get this work completed, which compromises patient care.
Bay Group Ventures, works with all different insurance company portals to complete prior authorizations. We all know that getting prior authorizations is often a difficult task and results in additional hours spent on the phone. This takes time away from your number priority, your patients’ care.
In the same survey, when asked to consider their providers in the workforce, 51% of those providers stated that acquiring prior authorizations has interfered with the staff’s ability to perform essential job responsibilities. Another survey stated that prior authorizations contribute to 92% of patient care delays.
With the little knowledge listed above, Bay Group Ventures is offering a prior authorization service to all providers with the hope of increasing time for Physicians and their staff to care for their patients.
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